GIS Training and a Short Introduction to Remote Sensing

Training Course Syllabus

Introduction and Overview of GIS and Software

  1. Definition of a GIS features and functions
  2. GIS as an Information System
  3. Introduction to QGIS interface
  4. Download GIS data of Nepal and create map (Practice)

Map Projections and Coordinate Systems

  1. Creating GIS Maps
  2. Map projections
  3. Coordinate systems
  4. Coordinate transformation (Practice)

Spatial Data Models

  1. Concept of data model
  2. Raster data model
  3. Vector data model
  4. Using Vector analysis tools (practice)
  5. Using Raster analysis tools (practice)
  6. Create Map Atlas

Data Sources

  1. GIS data sources
  2. GIS Data Creation (practice)
    • Image Georeferencing (Practice)
    • Creating vector data from image (practice)

Data formats

  1. Vector data formats
  2. Raster data formats

Short Introduction to Database for GIS (Concept only)

  1. Database concepts and components
  2. Geopackage as database
  3. PostgreSQL and PostGIS

Surface Model

  1. DEM
  2. Terrain variables (slope, aspect, hillshade etc)
  3. Other raster functions.

River Network Generation (Theory and Practice)

  1. Flow direction
  2. Flow accumulation
  3. River network and watershed boundary delineation.

Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)

  1. Basic concept of GPS
  2. Errors in GPS
  3. Apapplication of GNSS.

Short Introduction to Remote Sensing

  1. Concept of remote sensing
  2. Dowloading RS data
  3. RS analysis practice