Humanity is not a new word, we all know about it. It is a quality a rational thinker possess which distinguish himself as a kind, a non-harming and loving being. But is it that simple? NO, I don’t think so.  Humanity is a complex issue because it involves thoughts and emotions.  The word derived from Latin humanitas which means “human nature, kindness”.  Some argue Humanity is the human race, while other define qualities such as love, compassion and even creativity, in understanding humanity. So humanity can be taken as a quality that is needed to be a good human.


The death toll rises to at least 90 because of the powerful explosions outside a high school in Afghanistan.  The attack, on May 9, 4 p.m. occurred as the girls were leaving their school, Sayed UI- Shuhada . The instant massacre, which left books and bodies scattered is an example of similar terrorist activities that is happening one after another. We can relate it with recent Israel- Palestine war or with Myanmar Coup and even with growing problems of rape, corruption and racism in Nepal. What is a root behind these third class activities? Well, All it starts from an individual. There is a famous quote, ‘If you want to change a world, first change yourself‘. The macro analysis on the quality of our thoughts, our environment as well as deep meditation on emotions can bring light on this issue. The research has shown that an environment has a huge influence on shaping a person. Our actions are triggered by very small impulses, and we are unknown about it. For example when I ask ‘Are you Hungry?’ and let you complete a word S_ _ P, no doubt your mind thought SOUP. If it was other impulse such as dirt or even Corona, you may have thought SOAP. This is just an example that shows vulnerability of mind. In order to cope the problem of terrorism, murder, rape, corruption, hatred, criticism, and mental conflicts, all we need to start is from an individual. So what are the qualities needed to be a good human?


The most important quality can be love. Love is absence of hatred. So, we are not talking only about keen and bond, attractions or expectations. And it must start form self. If we are unhappy on the way; we do, we think and we are, we cannot cultivate right thoughts.  So, humanity can be brought when a person loves himself, and can give love to others. S/he need not filter to whom and when. Moreover human should relearn forgiveness and apply to him and others. As Martin Luther King, Jr once said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”  Next we should learn to stand on a shoe of other being, which brings us on another quality, compassion. When we are happy, we are not bound to stay on dark room. We are now concerned about our society, nation and whole world. Let’s not mix it with ill concern as it arises from disturbed mind. A terrorist is not a bad being.  At least not for him. He is shaped by the doctrines and principles as we are shaped by ours.  For him, he is right, so he is okay. When we step on the shoe of others, we see they are absolutely on different dimension. The way they think, they analyses is very different and it is based on their own personal best interest.  It even applies to our family, friend and our self. To have empathy and love, we must meditate on this subject. So we should see things from different perspectives that is standing on some others shoe before tagging someone, because they have done some nasty thing we do not want. Right education, full stomach and continuous supports can bring a person in a right path. Instead of re-bombing and counter attacks, we should have thought more about principles and way of living. As Mahatma Gandhi told, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” So let us question ourselves. Are we gentle?  .  Are all the violence activities in the name of humanity and peace has meaning? Where is so called justice to the life of Syrian, Afghanis…? Whom to blame?   So, Instead of investing huge on military, we should have used it for education, awareness and food. The question should not be how many troops or which bomb, but should be focused on turning prison into academy. Let’s cultivate the proactive nature. Rather than joining the crowd and shouting all along,’ Hang the Culprit’, let’s search for  a root cause and right measure so that it does not repeat again. Punishment can stop bad activities, but cannot prevent for a long time. If bad influence leads bad deeds, then good awareness and realization can motivate for right deeds. A clay can be shaped, let’s remember that.


Humanity should be new religion, a caste for all humans. The meaning of life should be to serve. And most importantly we should not lose faith. Hope is a great thing. It makes us see light. It makes us breathe and live one more day.  As Mahatma Gandhi, once said” You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”   The birth and life of Buddha, Nightingale, Mother Teresa, Gandhi and Martin Luther King are some inspiration to draw ourselves on a right path.  We should learn and practice good deed. Humanity is much needed now. The COVID situation has brought disturbances and hardships. There are many empty stomach, who are ready to commit crimes for food. We can step forward and help with our resources. The corruption is at peak and we are experiencing failed governance. We can create right environment so that future leaders work for overall development not personal interests. We must support and assist right doings and lets learn to enjoy others accomplishments. The division based on caste and religion is due to ignorance and wrong impulses. Let’s undo them.  Trust is a pillar of relationship. Let’s ensure the best foundation as well. Being alone we can be fast, but if together we can go far. Let’s remember that.  Team works and right principles are requisites for humanity. So, let us work our best to ensure best for all.   However world is not as cruel as we think. Humans had never thought so much, on an environmental issues and life of others. Nowadays, we are more united, active and alert. Never before we have come together in such intensity and stand against bad deed so to ensure justice. It is now, when many people are aware and are concerned to the broader concerns of humanity. There are more donations than ever. One day, we will surely bring humanity to peak. This mission should start from ourselves and from now.    Let me end with a hope by this famous saying from Leo Tolstoy, “The Sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.


Yogesh Sharma Neupane


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