An Angel in the Basket

by Tunisha Gyawali (074BCE185) (Pulchowk Campus)

Those dreamy eyes spectate the starry magical world above
In the warmth of the basket, a one day born remains
Calm water keeping him afloat,
enveloped in the blanket
of distant love of a guilty mother,
of distant light of the village.

It was a hand, shorter than the other,
but with the same desire to reach the stars.
Yet the cruel world tramples it down,
And so the other remains sucked in his mouth.

Kindness dorns its halo in the dark quiet waters
that rock the cradle that he needs
The birds watch out for the evil
and dolphins fill the tranquil.
Aloof lies the danger:
Blinded by the moonlight.

Sails away, in the hands of the mighty,
Innocence penetrates the heart of the devil!
But such comfort and faith soothes him,
Bestows the sight; light from heaven
And a million good wishes and blessings.

His head caressed by the breeze,
Assure him of the angel that he is.

Tunisha Gyawali
Pulchowk Campus

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