You see I killed a child who had just turned thirteen
The murder was planned carefully no witnesses at the murder scene
In his last moments he was teary eyed not knowing why it was him to die
Without hesitation I killed the child with no remorse, it was a rainy day in July
But after a few decades I felt quite contrite about my judgement
After each day his face kept taunting me,he was disgusted with my bodily ailments
So I went to confess the murder of a child to the police
How the officers laughed after hearing my confession turning there cheeks cerise
Well you see I did kill the child but not with a knife or any weapon
I crushed and destroyed his youth with responsibilities, self-control, jealousy which killed him every second
He was no more a child but a man with his whole families reputation on his back
So yes I killed a child quite softly giving him drugs like anxiety, depression and all the other things that were on the rack
Until he overdosed and his brain could not take it any longer,he finally cracked
And sometimes when I look at the mirror the child looks back at me
I regret the death of that child,as that child was me.