SAP2000 is general-purpose civil-engineering software ideal for the analysis and design of any type of structural system. Basic and advanced systems, ranging from 2D to 3D, of simple geometry to complex, may be modeled, analyzed, designed, and optimized using a practical and intuitive object-based modeling environment that simplifies and streamlines the engineering process.
It is used in structural design and analysis of all types of general structures like buildings, stadiums, water retaining tanks, airport hangers, chimneys etc. |
Fourth year students may need this software during their building design projects. It can also be useful for checking answers obtained through manual methods during third year Theory of Structures II course.
(Download lower versions for less demanding specs)
password for zip: 15thcess-committee
Contact ‘Oscar’ for any queries related to software.
password for zip: 15th-cess-committee
Contact ‘Oscar’ for any queries related to software.
password: 15th-cess-committee or cess-15th-committee
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