CESS-Nepal, along with the IOE Spotlight club, presents an essay writing competition as one of the pre-events of #AADHAR2078. The competition is open for all students within the Pulchowk Campus, irrespective of their affiliated department. There are two categories – Nepali and English, with attractive prizes and certificates for the winners in each category.The essay must be within 800 to 1200 words. Results will be published within 2 weeks after the submission deadline (19th Dec 2021).The prompts for the English and Nepali categories are as follows:
English:People die, of course, but so do other things. Ideals. Relationships. Jobs. Life phases. Pieces of who we once were. Death isn’t always inherently sad, either; sometimes, it’s a positive step, freeing us from what was weighing us down or allowing us to move forward. Illusions can die. Grudges. Bad habits. Tell us about a death you’ve experienced, for better or worse, and how you marked the loss — whether it was with mourning or celebration.
नेपाली:नेपाली संस्कृति र मुल्यमान्यताहरुले नेपलीहरूको बनोट र हावभावमा प्रभाव पार्ने गर्छ। अझ हाम्रोजस्तो लामो इतिहास बोकेको संस्कृति त झन् केहि हदसम्म हाम्रा चालचलन र रहन-सहनमा मिस्रित भएर सामान्य दिनचर्या कै रूपमा ढली सकेको पाइन्छ। विज्ञान देखि दर्शनशास्त्रसम्म, भौतिक सुखामत्र नभई आध्यात्मिक सुखसम्म, हाम्रो संस्कृतिले मानिसको जीवनका सबै पाटाहरु केलाएर उजाग्रित पारेको छ। यसै परिपेक्ष्यमा हेर्दा हाम्रो संस्कृति संसारको अरु संस्कृति भन्दा फरक भएको हुनाले मानिसको सामाजिक, राजनितिक र मानसिक खुसीमा के कस्तो असरहरू पारेको छ?
As Isacc Asimov said, “If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood. I’d type a little faster.”; so, get on with it.
For more information, Pratik Sapkota 9803006402
Mesmerized. Transfixed. Enthralled.
The multitude of essays and mind-boggling ideas left us amazed. The essays are evidence that there are excellent writers within the Pulchowk Campus. The prompt for the English category demanded the writers to explore death; each essay explored the prompt in great detail, with vivid examples; some were peculiar, some heart-touching, a few were a masterpiece of writing. Similarly, the prompt for the Nepali category behested the writers to unravel the practices revolving around Nepalese Culture.
Writing an essay with the provided guidelines was certainly not an easy task. However, seeking their revenge on the graders, they wrote such beautiful articles that grading those literary pieces became a mammoth task. But the results are out now.
In English Category:
1st – Aarosh Dahal (Acceptance)
2nd – Pradip Luitel (Curtains of a Daydream)
Some notable mentions:
Amrit Pandey (December: the blend of mourning and celebration)
Samiksha Khanal (Half alive, half dead…)
In Nepali Category:
1st – Bishnu Dhamala (नेपाली संस्कृति: एक अनुपम उदाहरण)
Notable mention:
Sashi Adhikari (नेपाली संस्कृति)
Congratulations to all the winners and the participants. You can read their articles by clicking on the links above.
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