
Archives 2021

Ms-project Training classes !!!

CESS Nepal, with the help from the Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchwok Campus is conducting a training session of MS Project from Wednesday, 30th of June 2021.The students currently in the 7th semester and in the Masters of the campus are welcome to this training session.The link for the session will be sent directly to the emails.

Registration for Panel Discussion !!

There is a fine line between development and destruction.What exactly is development? Is extraction and export of raw material a sustainable form of development?Let’s find out together with the intellectuals sharing their views in a Panel Discussion program: “Extraction of Natural Construction Material: Destruction or Development “Being young engineers we all must be curious if we are being fair to nature following the path of development.With all your queries and curiosity, we would like to welcome you all to the PANEL DISCUSSION. Hereby is the registration form for the program!Register via:https://zoom.us/…/tJAqf-mtqjItE9HQXdP5kiFVWAwE8OOjKe5Z

Date: 3rd July 2021

Time: 2:00-4:00 pm

Forms for Autocad (2d) training sessions !!

Wanna be an AutoCAD-Wizard? CESS-NEPAL, acknowledging the significance of AutoCAD software as a basic design tool in Civil Engineering, brings to you a week-long training on AutoCAD (2D). General Overview of the course:1. 1-week long( about 15 hours in total)2. The syllabus moves from the basics i.e. from basic drawings and editing to drawing templates, layers, blocks, hatchings, etc.3. Detailed Course syllabus: https://cess.pcampus.edu.np/2021/06/21/cess-autocad-2021/A verifiable certificate will be awarded to the trainees at the end after the completion of classes and submission of assigned projects.Tutor: Asst. Prof. Gopal Singh BhandariStarting Date: Sunday 27th June onwards (5:30 pm -7:30 pm daily)Platform: ZoomRegistration Deadline: Friday 25th June 2021, 7pmSubmit your responses through the form provided below:https://forms.gle/zKTFBRt8oTBMs3Tm7For any queries, contactSuman Shrestha 9860476390Nishchal Sigdel 9845052692(* ONLY FOR STUDENTS OF PULCHOWK CAMPUS. FUNDS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE IN CASE OF REGISTRATION BY OUTSIDE STUDENTS)

Editorial Team for 15th committee!!

Adding life to creations and meaning to one’s experiences, CESS Nepal introduces its EDITORIAL TEAM. The team will shape the stream of words into lively emotions to touch everyone’s heart. Be it poems, stories, essays, or confessions; the team shall not hesitate to publish excellent articles. Therefore, we urge everyone to explore the writers within them; after all, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

Curriculum for AutoCAD (2D) Training sessions !

1: Getting Started with AutoCAD

    • Installing AutoCAD
    • Opening and Creating Drawings
    • Exploring the AutoCAD interface
    • Zooming and Panning

2: Basic Drawing & Editing Commands

    • Using the Mouse, Keyboard, and Enter Key to work quickly and efficiently in AutoCAD
    • Commands
    • Setting Units and Limits
    • Lines
    • Circles
    • Rectangles
  1. Creating a Simple Drawing
     Creating Simple Drawings
     Using Object Snap Tracking to extrapolate a projected top view Using
     Modify tools to arrange an office layout  
  2. Drawing Precision in AutoCAD
     Polar and Ortho Tracking
     Entering Coordinates and Angles Object
     Snaps and Tracking
  3. Making Changes in Your Drawing
     Move
     Copy
     Rotate
     Mirror
     Scale
  4. Drawing Templates
     Using Template Files (.dwt) to Make New Drawing
     Exploring what Settings and Elements are saved with Templates
  5. Organizing Your Drawing with Layers
     Layer States Properties
     by Layer Layer Tools
     Advanced Object Types
  6. Advanced Object Types
     Poly-lines
     Arcs
     Polygon
     Ellipse
  7. Analyzing Model and Object Properties
     The Properties Palette Quick Select
     Select Similar
     Measure Geometry Tools
  1. Advanced Editing Commands
     Trim and Extend
     Fillet and Chamfer
     Polyline Edit and Spline
     Offset and Explode Join
  2. Inserting Blocks
     The Insert Block Command Inserting Blocks with Tool Palettes Dynamic Blocks
     Migrating Blocks and other Elements between Drawings with Design Center
  3. Projects – Creating Drawings
     Starting a Floor Plan
     Elevations
     Sections
  4. Hatching
     The Hatch Command
     The Hatch Editor Ribbon Tab
     Saving and Applying Hatches with Tool Palettes
  5. Adding Dimensions
     Using Dimensioning Tools
     Dimensioning in a Layout Tab vs. the Model Tab Using
     Dimension Styles
     Editing Dimensions
  6. Setting Up a Layout
     Using Layouts and
     Scaling Viewports
     Model Space vs. Paper Space in Layouts
  7. Printing Your Drawing
     Printing from Layout Tabs
     Printing from the Model Tab
  8. Projects – Preparing to Print
     The Multiline Text Tool The
     Single Line Text Tool
     Editing Text
     Text in Model Space vs. Paper
     Space The Multileader Tool
  9. Printing
     Printing Drawings in Specified Scale

Call for Girls’ Committee Representatives

“Never did the world make a queen of a girl who hides in houses and dreams without travelling. ”With a vision to promote inclusiveness in its activities, CESS Nepal’s 15th committee invites applications, from 1st to 4th-year students, for the girls’ committee 2078. Be a part of a supportive and nurturing community and, bring your ideas and visions to the table. Here’s to taking your chance to walk-the-talk, and fueling this journey ahead. Please submit your responses through the form provided below:


Deadline: 22nd June 2021

Pre-registrations for Free-equivalent Software Courses !!

Keeping in mind the importance of software skills in civil engineering, Civil Engineering Students Society – Nepal (CESS-NEPAL) is planning to organize software classes of AutoCAD (2D), Civil 3D, ETABS and MS Project in collaboration with the Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus.

The courses are briefly discussed below:

1. AutoCAD (2D)
– One week-long(about 15 hrs in total)
-Start from basics and then move on to Architectural plans, sections and elevations.
-Tutor: Asst. Prof. Gopal Bhandari
-Course fee: Rs.300

2. Civil 3D
-Estimated to be about 1 week long as well. (about 15 hrs in total )
-Start from basics and then move on to road design.
-Especially designed for 3rd and 4th-year students.
-Tutor: Asst. Prof. Roshan Karki
-Course fee: Rs.300

-duration of 2 weeks(30 hours in total)
-Only for fourth-year students
-Tutor: Asst. Prof. Sanjay Kumar Shah
-Course fee: Rs.500

4. MS Project:
-duration of 1 week(about 15 hrs in total)
-Only for fourth-year students
-Tutor : Prof. Khem Nath Dallakoti
-This course is free of charge.

A verifiable certification of participation will be provided to the students by the Department after the completion of classes and submission of assigned projects.

Interested students can fill out the form below:

Note: The course structure is formulated by the department itself, details of which will be made available later on along with the payment procedures.
(*only for students of Pulchowk Campus)

Call for Graphics Designers !!

The registration for CESS 2021 graphic designers is open.The CESS committee requires adept individuals who will define the face of the CESS events through their eye-catching posters. Undeniably, graphic designers are an integral part of the CESS community. Whether it is the webinars and seminars or the CESS exhibition (the major attraction of CESS), their striking posters tempt a look.So, if you are interested in displaying your designing skills, do fill out the form below.


For any queries, contact Sagar Khanal (9863033157).Deadline: 17th June 2021

*only for the students of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus