
Archives December 2021



The little palm, a world to behold
Lovely gaze, glittery shine that glowed
The sweet-sad phase, keeping up her grit
Wandering life, planned a throbbing gift
Growing at a pace, clashed by the thunder
Marked with an unceasing imitation over
Bitter real, painful eyes showered in the rain
All she does, coverup her ravaging pain
Great, bad, sad, glad, all just a pass
Deadly depth, scared a death to harass
Out of all, the secret never to be unfolded
Mysterious she, how gracefully had it owned

A brief description of Satellite City and its need

Satellite cities and its dire need in vicinity of Kathmandu

With the scarcity of facilities and opportunities at the place of origin, urban transition is a normal process in Nepal. The term urban transition refers to migration of people from rural areas to the cities for commercial or service oriented jobs. With urban transition at its peak, the population density of major cities of Nepal is increasing ominously. Among the major cities of Nepal, Kathmandu remains the hotspot for urban transition which makes the functioning of city harder.   To regulate the population and create a balance between resource and growing population, the concept of satellite city was introduced.

As a satellite revolves around a planet, a satellite city is also created adjacent to a major city to stop the direct flow of people into it.  Generally, Satellite city has a distinctive border such as rivers to separate it with the major city.  It is constructed at a suitable distance from the major city so that the distance between satellite city and major city must not be an issue for the locals who travel to and fro for various cause. Satellite city is a well-planned city that is capable of self-sustaining on most of its requirements and have its own municipal government. The population of satellite city may only rely on major city for employment.  Many people have fallacy of considering satellite city and suburb to be same.  Suburb on other hand is a residential area located at the outskirts of the major city and completely depends on it for the functioning

Construction and Requirements of satellite city

For construction of satellite city, a huge area must be allocated within which the infrastructures are built. The land allocation must be approved by geologist and engineers on the basis of proper research on various factors to prevent possible casualties. The infrastructures must be built in such a way that it prioritizes the use of public vehicles and dissuade public to use cars, ensures accessibility for everyone residing in the city including the ones with the disabilities. In many places of our country an average person walks a fair distance only to reach the bus station. So the city must be created in such a way that it obviates the burden of walking long distance only to reach bus station. Sustainable development must be the main theme while constructing the satellite cities. The energy consumption of the city should be made less while decreasing the carbon emission. The Use of alternative sources of energy which are favorable to the place must be prioritized. The city must ensure proper disposal of the daily waste produced by the city with no harm to the environment.

Proper planning for the supply of electricity, water must be done before the construction to maintain the continuous flow of electricity to the residents. The wires in the city must be made underground to increase the beauty of the city and lessen jeopardy. The functioning of the city must comply with the technology which we also refer as a smart city. Proper drainage system must be established during construction to prevent the accumulation of water on roads during rainy seasons.

It must contain adequate amount of open spaces such as parks and playgrounds for people to have some quality time and perform physical exercises.  The city must be able to create an example of religious harmony between different religions and must ensure the conservation of heritages during construction

A satellite city must also be created by keeping the security factors in mind. It must be created in such a way that in case of emergency the city can be cordoned with ease.

Need of satellite city for  Kathmandu

The population density of major cities of Nepal is high. Among all the population density of Kathmandu stands out among all. The lack of choice for people to choose an alternative to Kathmandu has lured everyone to Kathmandu. The necessity to create a satellite city in the vicinity of Kathmandu has already been created. The crime rate and traffic congestion has commensurate with the population. People have to spend an ample amount of time in traffic jams which indirectly hampers the mental wellbeing and make a loss that cannot be retrieved.  Growing crime rates is getting difficult for the police to control. Deterioration in quality of basic facilities   due to inability of government to provide everyone is increasing. The land exploitation is at its peak with the land value skyrocketing which has created an economic problem for the working class family to afford their own house.

So to control these problems satellite city is a solution.  If a city is provided to the population with all the facilities they get in Kathmandu, then the populations will definitely divide uniformly over the areas.

The necessity to construct a satellite city has already been surpassed. Although the construction of satellite cities has already been  purposed in vicinity of Kathmandu the projects remain yet to be completed with the estimated time already passing out. The completion of satellite city must be a top priority.



Essay Writing Competition

CESS-Nepal, along with the IOE Spotlight club, presents an essay writing competition as one of the pre-events of #AADHAR2078. The competition is open for all students within the Pulchowk Campus, irrespective of their affiliated department. There are two categories – Nepali and English, with attractive prizes and certificates for the winners in each category.The essay must be within 800 to 1200 words. Results will be published within 2 weeks after the submission deadline (19th Dec 2021).The prompts for the English and Nepali categories are as follows:

English:People die, of course, but so do other things. Ideals. Relationships. Jobs. Life phases. Pieces of who we once were. Death isn’t always inherently sad, either; sometimes, it’s a positive step, freeing us from what was weighing us down or allowing us to move forward. Illusions can die. Grudges. Bad habits. Tell us about a death you’ve experienced, for better or worse, and how you marked the loss — whether it was with mourning or celebration.

नेपाली:नेपाली संस्कृति र मुल्यमान्यताहरुले नेपलीहरूको बनोट र हावभावमा प्रभाव पार्ने गर्छ। अझ हाम्रोजस्तो लामो इतिहास बोकेको संस्कृति त झन् केहि हदसम्म हाम्रा चालचलन र रहन-सहनमा मिस्रित भएर सामान्य दिनचर्या कै रूपमा ढली सकेको पाइन्छ। विज्ञान देखि दर्शनशास्त्रसम्म, भौतिक सुखामत्र नभई आध्यात्मिक सुखसम्म, हाम्रो संस्कृतिले मानिसको जीवनका सबै पाटाहरु केलाएर उजाग्रित पारेको छ। यसै परिपेक्ष्यमा हेर्दा हाम्रो संस्कृति संसारको अरु संस्कृति भन्दा फरक भएको हुनाले मानिसको सामाजिक, राजनितिक र मानसिक खुसीमा के कस्तो असरहरू पारेको छ?

As Isacc Asimov said, “If my doctor told me I had only six minutes to live, I wouldn’t brood. I’d type a little faster.”; so, get on with it.

For more information, Pratik Sapkota 9803006402


Mesmerized. Transfixed. Enthralled.

The multitude of essays and mind-boggling ideas left us amazed. The essays are evidence that there are excellent writers within the Pulchowk Campus. The prompt for the English category demanded the writers to explore death; each essay explored the prompt in great detail, with vivid examples; some were peculiar, some heart-touching, a few were a masterpiece of writing. Similarly, the prompt for the Nepali category behested the writers to unravel the practices revolving around Nepalese Culture.

Writing an essay with the provided guidelines was certainly not an easy task. However, seeking their revenge on the graders, they wrote such beautiful articles that grading those literary pieces became a mammoth task. But the results are out now.

In English Category:

1st – Aarosh Dahal (Acceptance)


2nd – Pradip Luitel (Curtains of a Daydream)


Some notable mentions:

Amrit Pandey (December: the blend of mourning and celebration)


Samiksha Khanal (Half alive, half dead…)


In Nepali Category:

1st – Bishnu Dhamala (नेपाली संस्कृति: एक अनुपम उदाहरण)


Notable mention:

Sashi Adhikari (नेपाली संस्कृति)


Congratulations to all the winners and the participants. You can read their articles by clicking on the links above.


Knock, Knock.Who’s there?


Not ‘CESS who’ but CESS Cup 2078.

As a pre-event for the AADHAR 2078, CESS-Nepal is organizing an intra 8-A side football tournament – the CESS Cup. The tournament will kick off 6th of Poush onwards. Get your teams ready and strap your boots;

let’s play football.

“आधार- समुन्नत भविष्यका लागि”

First Aid Training

CESS-Nepal is conducting a First Aid Training program at Pulchowk Campus on 25th December 2021 (Saturday). The program will be facilitated by the interns from the Institute of Medicine (IOM). The program will cover the following topics:

1) Transportation of injured individuals

2) Shock, Hemorrhage, Bleeding, Seizures

3) Fractures and Bandages

4) Poison, Snakebite, Electric Shock

5) Checking vitals

6) CPR training

Fill out the form below for registration:https://forms.gle/ipxgQmLu9XzFAXAE7

Date: 10th Poush 2078

Time: 10 am sharp


The first aid training, a pre-event of AADHAR 2078, culminated today with 170 participants from over 10 different colleges. The event was organized by CESS-Nepal with the aid from the Physicians for Social Responsibility Nepal (PSRN) Student Chapter.

The first aid training undoubtedly reflected the intensity and dedication of the 15th executive committee to make AADHAR 2078 a grand exhibition – one to be remembered for a long time.

CESS-Nepal expresses its gratitude to all the participants, instructors, and volunteers for making this pre-event a success. We promise that the energy and ambience will only multiply in our future endeavours.

Stay tuned for future events from CESS-Nepal, as AADHAR 2078 comes closer.”आधार- समुन्नत भविष्यका लागि”

Internal Model Competition

12th National Civil Engineering Exhibition cum Competition, ‘AADHAR 2078’ is just round the corner. Model Competition is one of the most awaited and exiciting event of AADHAR . So, gear up!!, form your group, finalize your idea and register for Intra College Model Competition. Top 5 team will represent Pulchowk Campus in the main event during exhibition, and they will have the chance to win prize money upto Rs. 35,000!!!

Brief rules and Details:

  1. The competition expects scaled physical model related to Civil Engineering,
  2. Each team can have a maximum of 6 members, including at least 1 participant from 1st or 2nd year,  
  3. Participants should register along with a project abstract. There is no hard deadline for abstract submission. However the sooner you submit, the sooner we can assign a mentor to your team, and the better your chances.
  4. Five teams will be selected for Inter College BE Model Design Competition, on 29th Poush, 2078, 
  5. Selected teams will get financial support upto Rs. 20,000 (each) from Department of Civil Engineering.

Final judgement will be done by juries allocated by CESS-Nepal.

Before registering, make sure to go through the model guidelines and abstract samples.
Further Details and Guidelines: BEModelGuideline
Abstract Samples: https://bit.ly/AbstractSamples

For further Clarifications and Information, contact:
BE Model Competition Co-ordinators:
1. Sumit Mahato (9867163087)
2. Shailaja Ratna Pandey (9818679865)

Design and Modelling Head:
1. Bibek Panthi (9867750010)



Humanity is not a new word, we all know about it. It is a quality a rational thinker possess which distinguish himself as a kind, a non-harming and loving being. But is it that simple? NO, I don’t think so.  Humanity is a complex issue because it involves thoughts and emotions.  The word derived from Latin humanitas which means “human nature, kindness”.  Some argue Humanity is the human race, while other define qualities such as love, compassion and even creativity, in understanding humanity. So humanity can be taken as a quality that is needed to be a good human.


The death toll rises to at least 90 because of the powerful explosions outside a high school in Afghanistan.  The attack, on May 9, 4 p.m. occurred as the girls were leaving their school, Sayed UI- Shuhada . The instant massacre, which left books and bodies scattered is an example of similar terrorist activities that is happening one after another. We can relate it with recent Israel- Palestine war or with Myanmar Coup and even with growing problems of rape, corruption and racism in Nepal. What is a root behind these third class activities? Well, All it starts from an individual. There is a famous quote, ‘If you want to change a world, first change yourself‘. The macro analysis on the quality of our thoughts, our environment as well as deep meditation on emotions can bring light on this issue. The research has shown that an environment has a huge influence on shaping a person. Our actions are triggered by very small impulses, and we are unknown about it. For example when I ask ‘Are you Hungry?’ and let you complete a word S_ _ P, no doubt your mind thought SOUP. If it was other impulse such as dirt or even Corona, you may have thought SOAP. This is just an example that shows vulnerability of mind. In order to cope the problem of terrorism, murder, rape, corruption, hatred, criticism, and mental conflicts, all we need to start is from an individual. So what are the qualities needed to be a good human?


The most important quality can be love. Love is absence of hatred. So, we are not talking only about keen and bond, attractions or expectations. And it must start form self. If we are unhappy on the way; we do, we think and we are, we cannot cultivate right thoughts.  So, humanity can be brought when a person loves himself, and can give love to others. S/he need not filter to whom and when. Moreover human should relearn forgiveness and apply to him and others. As Martin Luther King, Jr once said, “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”  Next we should learn to stand on a shoe of other being, which brings us on another quality, compassion. When we are happy, we are not bound to stay on dark room. We are now concerned about our society, nation and whole world. Let’s not mix it with ill concern as it arises from disturbed mind. A terrorist is not a bad being.  At least not for him. He is shaped by the doctrines and principles as we are shaped by ours.  For him, he is right, so he is okay. When we step on the shoe of others, we see they are absolutely on different dimension. The way they think, they analyses is very different and it is based on their own personal best interest.  It even applies to our family, friend and our self. To have empathy and love, we must meditate on this subject. So we should see things from different perspectives that is standing on some others shoe before tagging someone, because they have done some nasty thing we do not want. Right education, full stomach and continuous supports can bring a person in a right path. Instead of re-bombing and counter attacks, we should have thought more about principles and way of living. As Mahatma Gandhi told, “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” So let us question ourselves. Are we gentle?  .  Are all the violence activities in the name of humanity and peace has meaning? Where is so called justice to the life of Syrian, Afghanis…? Whom to blame?   So, Instead of investing huge on military, we should have used it for education, awareness and food. The question should not be how many troops or which bomb, but should be focused on turning prison into academy. Let’s cultivate the proactive nature. Rather than joining the crowd and shouting all along,’ Hang the Culprit’, let’s search for  a root cause and right measure so that it does not repeat again. Punishment can stop bad activities, but cannot prevent for a long time. If bad influence leads bad deeds, then good awareness and realization can motivate for right deeds. A clay can be shaped, let’s remember that.


Humanity should be new religion, a caste for all humans. The meaning of life should be to serve. And most importantly we should not lose faith. Hope is a great thing. It makes us see light. It makes us breathe and live one more day.  As Mahatma Gandhi, once said” You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”   The birth and life of Buddha, Nightingale, Mother Teresa, Gandhi and Martin Luther King are some inspiration to draw ourselves on a right path.  We should learn and practice good deed. Humanity is much needed now. The COVID situation has brought disturbances and hardships. There are many empty stomach, who are ready to commit crimes for food. We can step forward and help with our resources. The corruption is at peak and we are experiencing failed governance. We can create right environment so that future leaders work for overall development not personal interests. We must support and assist right doings and lets learn to enjoy others accomplishments. The division based on caste and religion is due to ignorance and wrong impulses. Let’s undo them.  Trust is a pillar of relationship. Let’s ensure the best foundation as well. Being alone we can be fast, but if together we can go far. Let’s remember that.  Team works and right principles are requisites for humanity. So, let us work our best to ensure best for all.   However world is not as cruel as we think. Humans had never thought so much, on an environmental issues and life of others. Nowadays, we are more united, active and alert. Never before we have come together in such intensity and stand against bad deed so to ensure justice. It is now, when many people are aware and are concerned to the broader concerns of humanity. There are more donations than ever. One day, we will surely bring humanity to peak. This mission should start from ourselves and from now.    Let me end with a hope by this famous saying from Leo Tolstoy, “The Sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.


Yogesh Sharma Neupane