
Archives December 2019

An Angel in the Basket

by Tunisha Gyawali (074BCE185) (Pulchowk Campus)

Those dreamy eyes spectate the starry magical world above
In the warmth of the basket, a one day born remains
Calm water keeping him afloat,
enveloped in the blanket
of distant love of a guilty mother,
of distant light of the village.

It was a hand, shorter than the other,
but with the same desire to reach the stars.
Yet the cruel world tramples it down,
And so the other remains sucked in his mouth.

Kindness dorns its halo in the dark quiet waters
that rock the cradle that he needs
The birds watch out for the evil
and dolphins fill the tranquil.
Aloof lies the danger:
Blinded by the moonlight.

Sails away, in the hands of the mighty,
Innocence penetrates the heart of the devil!
But such comfort and faith soothes him,
Bestows the sight; light from heaven
And a million good wishes and blessings.

His head caressed by the breeze,
Assure him of the angel that he is.

Tunisha Gyawali
Pulchowk Campus

समृद्ध नेपालको मुल खम्बा

विवेक तिवारी (072BCE044)

कुनै पनि राज्य समृद्ध हुनको लागि आधारभूत रूपमा त्यो देशका सम्पूर्ण नागरिकले कुनै पनि मानवलाई चाहिने पूरै आधारभूत आवश्यकता प्राप्त भएको महसुस गरेको हुनै पर्छ।अन्यथा त्यो राज्यलाई समृद्ध भनिनु ‘नाम मात्रको’ हुन्छ।आजको विश्वमा जति पनि देश समृद्ध छन् ती कुनै न कुनै बाटो अपनाएर त्यो विन्दुमा पुगेका हुन्।ती राज्यका शासकले विश्वमा प्रतिपादित विभिन्न राजनीतिक-आर्थिक दर्शनलाई प्रयोगमा ल्याएर समृद्धि हासिल गरेका हुन्।पुँजीवादी दर्शन, मार्क्सवादी दर्शन र समाजवादी दर्शन गरी मुख्य तीन दर्शन अहिलेको विश्वमा सान्दर्भिक छन्। हाम्रो देश नेपालको सन्दर्भमा यी दर्शनका के-कस्ता प्रयोग गरिए र कस्तो किसिमको नतिजा हात पर्यो त ?

समृद्ध राज्यका आधारभूत खम्बा शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य र  रोजगारका सम्बन्धमा हालसम्मका नेपाली शासकले कस्ता नीति अवलम्वन गरे ? हाम्रो देशका समग्र भूगोल, वर्ग र समुदायलाई एउटै नजरले हेर्दा माथि भनिएका आधारभूत खम्बा आजको अवस्थामा किन यति नाजुक भए ? जसलाई हृष्टपुष्ट बनाउन अब निकै मिहिनेत गर्नुपर्छ, निकै पसिना बगाउनु पर्ने हुन्छ। पक्कै पनि शासकले सही नीति निर्माण गरेनन् अनि देशले ट्रयाक छोड्यो र अब त्यसलाई ट्रयाकमा ल्याउन ठूलो मुल्य चुकाउन पर्छ।

२००७ सालमा राणा शासनको अन्त्य देखि २०१७ सालमा निरंकुश पञ्चायतकालको स्थापना अघिसम्मका शासकले शिक्षा, स्वास्थ्य र रोजगारका कस्ता नीति निर्माण गर्ने भनेर मेसो पाउनै सकेनन् वा भूराजनीतिक चँगुलमा नराम्ररी फसे जसले गर्दा ००७ सालमा स्थापना भएको प्रजातन्त्र ०१७ सालमा नराम्ररी हत्याइयो। ०१७ सालपछि निरंकुशतावादी शासकहरू (जसले आम जनताका छोराछोरी शिक्षित भए भने हामीले सजिलो गरी शासन गर्न पाइँदैन भन्ने किसिमको सोँच राख्थे) बाट विकास निर्माणका केही कार्यक्रम ल्याए पनि वास्तविक समृद्धि हासिल गर्न सक्दै सकिँदैन थियो। ०४६ सालमा भारतद्वारा लगाइएको नाकाबन्दी खेपेको नेपालमा त्यही साल पञ्चायत ढलेर प्रजातन्त्र स्थापना भएपछिका निर्वाचित शासकले कुन दर्शनलाई व्यवहारमा लागु गरे त ? अनि नतिजा कस्तो निस्कियो त ?

०४६ सालपछिका शासकले भूराजनीतिक चँगुलमा फस्दै पुँजीवादी दर्शनअन्तर्गत ‘निजीकरण’लाई यति व्यापक रूपमा लागु गरे कि समृद्धिका आधारभूत खम्बा शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्य क्रमशः निजीकरण हुँदै व्यापारीकरणमा पुगेर अहिलेसम्म आइपुग्दा गुणस्तरीय शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्य भनेको केवल पुँजीपतिका लागि मात्रै हो भन्ने मानसिकता हरेकको मनमा बस्न पुगेको छ  जब कि शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्यलाई पूर्ण रूपमा राज्यको दायित्वमा नल्याएसम्म हामीले खोजेको समृद्धि हासिल गर्न सकिँदै सकिँदैन अनि हाम्रो नयाँ संविधानले परिकल्पना गरेको समाजवादसम्म पुग्न सकिँदै सकिँदैन। त्यसैगरी  नयाँ ठूला-ठूला उद्योगहरू खोल्ने गरूयोजना बनाउन त कहाँ हो कहाँ…. भएका उद्योग पनि निजीकरण गरेर त्यसबाट आएको मुनाफा केही सीमित व्यक्तिले मात्र उपयोग गरे जसले गर्दा सीमित व्यक्ति धनी बन्दै गए अनि पुँजीविहीन झन गरीब बन्दै गए र राज्यले ती उद्योगबाट पुँजी जसरी सङ्कलन गर्नु पर्ने थियो त्यो गर्नै सकेन। यावत् कारणहरूका कारण देशमा सशस्त्र क्रान्तिका माध्यमबाट राजनीतिक परिवर्तन गर्ने भनेर ०५२ सालमा जनयुद्ध घोषणा भयो र त्यही १० वर्षे जनयुद्धको जगमा स्थापना भएको गणतन्त्रपछिका शासकहरूले पनि शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्यमा बढ्दो व्यापारीकरणलाई जुन हिसाबले न्यूनीकरण गर्दै जानको लागि नीति-निर्माण गर्न सक्नु पर्ने हो त्यो सकेनन् ।उनीहरू पनि भूराजनीतिको नकारात्मक दलदलमा फसे।अनि नागरिकलाई रोजगार दिलाउनको लागि जुन गतिमा वैदेशिक पुँजी सञ्चय गरेर उद्योगमा लगानी गर्न पर्ने हो त्यो गर्नै सकेनन् बरू देशका युवाहरू रोजगार खोज्दै श्रम बेच्नको निम्ति विदेशिन बाध्य भए। र शासकले घर-जग्गाको कारोवारलाई यति उदार बनाइदिए कि अनुत्पादक पुँजीको भण्डारण सीमित दलाल पुँजीपतिको अधीनमा रह्यो जुन पुँजीलाई न राज्यले उपयोग गर्न सक्यो न ती पुँजीपतिले उत्पादनमा लगानी गरे। त्यसैगरी हाम्रा शासकहरू आफ्नो चुनावी खर्चका निम्ति केही उद्योगपतिको र दलाल पुँजीपतिको शरणमा गए अनि फलस्वरूप राज्य केही सीमित पुँजीपतिप्रति यति बफादार भयो कि बाँकी अरूको व्यापार व्यवसाय राम्ररी अस्तित्वमा आउनै पाएको छैन जुन अवस्थालाई अर्थशास्त्रको भाषामा ‘क्रोनि-क्यापिटलिज्म’ भनिन्छ। अहिलेसम्म आइपुग्दा देशको अर्थतन्त्र ‘रेमिट्यान्स’ले गर्दा धानिएको अवस्था र अर्कोतर्फ ‘क्रोनि-क्यापिटलिज्म’को अवस्था छ जुन कुरा समृद्धि हासिलको निम्ति शुभ-सङ्केत हुँदै हैन।

देशको यस्तो अवस्थाको मुल कारण भ्रष्टाचार त हो नै तर यदि समृद्धिका खम्बाहरू शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्यमा यतिविघ्न निजीकरण र व्यापारीकरण नभइदिएको भए अवस्था अर्कै हुने थियो।राज्यको स्वामित्वमा रहेका उद्योगहरू राज्य आफैले सञ्चालन गरेर पुँजी सञ्चित गरी उद्योग व्यवसायमा राज्य सफल भएको भए उक्त ‘लिगेसी’लाई पछ्याउन पछिका शासकहरू बाध्य हुन्थे अनि देश समृद्धिको बाटोमा गुणात्मक रूपमा फड्को मारिसकेको हुन्थ्यो। गलत ट्रयाकमा हिँडिरहेको हाम्रो देशलाई सही बाटोमा ल्याउनको लागि इतिहासले शासकहरूलाई फेरि पनि एउटा सुनौलो अवसर दिएको अवस्था छ जुन अवसरलाई कसरी उपयोग गरेर कस्ता नीति-निर्माण गर्ने भन्ने कुरामा राज्य अझै अलमलमा रहेको देखिन्छ वा राज्यको चरित्र ‘क्रोनि-क्यापिटलिस्ट’ भएको कुरा शासक स्वयंले पत्तै पाएको छैन। समयले बिस्तारै बिस्तारै नेटो काटिरहँदा राज्यले समृद्धिका मुल खम्बा शिक्षा र स्वास्थ्यमा विद्यमान निजीकरण र व्यापारीकरणलाई न्यूनीकरण गर्नको लागि उपयुक्त नीति तर्जुमा गरेर कार्यान्वयन नगर्ने हो भने कट्टर पुँजीवादले थलथलिएको देशमा रहेका गरीब नागरिकहरूले कहिल्यै पनि गुणस्तरीय शिक्षा प्राप्त गर्न सक्दैनन् अनि गुणस्तरीय स्वास्थ्यको अभावमा अकालमा मृत्यु हुने क्रम रोकिनै सक्दैन। र संविधानले परिकल्पना गरेको समाजवादको आधारशीला तयार हुनै सक्दैन जसले गर्दा राज्य समृद्ध हुने कल्पना गर्नै सकिँदैन। त्यसको लागि देशमा रहेका निजी विद्यालय र निजी अस्पतालहरू एकैचोटि बन्द भएको घोषणा गर्न सम्भव छँदै छैन। बरू राज्यले उपयुक्त नीति-निर्माण गरी ऐन-कानुन बनाएर निजी विद्यालय र अस्पताललाई लाग्ने कर बढाउनु पर्छ अनि नयाँ निजी विद्यालय र नयाँ निजी अस्पतालको स्थापना बन्द गरी सरकारी विद्यालय र अस्पताल धेरै भन्दा धेरै खोल्नु पर्छ र त्यहाँ गुणस्तरीय कर्मचारी भर्ना गर्नको लागि आकर्षक सेवा-सुविधासहितका योजनाहरू सार्वजनिक गर्नु पर्छ। जसले गर्दा निजी विद्यालय र अस्पतालका योग्य जनशक्ति सरकारीतिर आकर्षित होऊन्। यसले गर्दा गुणस्तरीय कर्मचारीहरूलाई निजीमा रहिरहन निजी सञ्चालकले कर्मचारीको सेवा-सुविधा बढाउनु पर्छ र त्यसको नतिजा निजी विद्यालय र अस्पताल झन महँगो हुन्छ अनि मध्यम आयवर्गका मान्छेले निजीमा खर्चै गर्न नसक्ने स्थिति हुन्छ। र आम मानिसको निजी विद्यालय र अस्पतालप्रति वितृष्णा पैदा हुन्छ।आकर्षक सेवा-सुविधा पाएपछि जुनसुकै कर्मचारी पनि निजी भन्दा सरकारीलाई प्राथमिकतामा राख्ने कुरा जगजाहेर नै छ। फलस्वरूप राज्यद्वारा सञ्चालित विद्यालय र अस्पतालको गुणस्तर बढ्दै गएपछि निजीहरू बिस्तारै विस्थापित हुँदै जान्छन् वा सरकारीसँग समायोजनमा जान बाध्य हुन्छन्। तर यस्तो प्रकारको नीति अवलम्वन गर्दै गर्दा राज्य आफ्नो बाटोमा स्वच्छ विचार लिएर आफ्नो योजनामा अडिग रहनु पर्छ; आफ्ना योजनामा अवरोध गर्नेलाई नयाँ ऐन-कानुनअसार कानुनी कारवाही गर्नु पर्छ।

त्यसैगरी सँगसँगै राज्य आफू ‘क्रोनि-क्यापिटलिज्म’बाट माथि उठेर समाजवादतर्फको बाटोमा दृढ इच्छाशक्ति लिएर हिँड्नु पर्छ जसले गर्दा कुनै पनि प्रकारका वैदेशिक वा स्वदेशी लगानीकर्तालाई सुरक्षाको महसुस होस् र आम मानिसलाई देशमै आफ्नो क्षमता र श्रमको उचित मुल्याङ्कन हुन्छ भन्ने सोँच पलाओस्। यसरी राज्यले आफ्नो चरित्र अहिले हामीले महसुस गरेको ‘क्रोनि-क्यापिटलिज्म’बाट वास्तवमै समाजवादी बनाउनमा ढिला नगर्ने हो भने हामीले खोजेको  ‘समृद्ध नेपाल’ धेरै टाढा छँदै छैन।

विवेक तिवारी
पुल्चोक क्याम्पस

The Vicious Circle of Sanity & Insanity

by Sandeep Poudel (072BCE135)

Are we insanely moving from insanity to sanity? 

Money is a verifiable record or means of exchange that we own and by which we can own equivalent assets in exchange. At this stage of human evolution, everything circles around money. Everything we see is either related to money or derived from money. But things weren’t always the same; we made them so.

 Mostly, people live their life hustling, struggling to progress towards their goals, knowingly or unknowingly just for the paper we put value on. Some people choose to accept it, some choose not to and some simply don’t care. If you don’t accept it, the vicious circle of sanity & insanity will drag you and will make you accept it or make you not care. Well if you already accept it or if you don’t care, you never get to ride on the circle.

Looking back into the past, objects were first used as money at around 5,000 B.C. Thus, the desire for money was unheard of long ago. But what urged mankind to introduce ‘money’? What I believe is, money was introduced to instill sanity in people, to introduce change, development and for a better livelihood. Or it was because people needed reason/reward to work for others, they needed reason/reward to foresee unity. They needed something to own, something to call ‘mine’ in order to work, in order to foresee, and in order to thrive. That desire of ‘mine’ introduced money. The desire of ‘mine’ was insanity and the invention of money brought sanity. Or is it just the opposite? Think again! But don’t get inside the vicious circle. Whether it be stone, beads, gems, silver, gold, peppercorns, wheat, barley or cows, we always needed something. And believe me, money is just a better, handy and sophisticated version of them all. Thereafter, with some hardships, people could get something to call ‘mine’. That very desire kindled the fire to foresee and toted everything up to this point of human evolution. Now, history doesn’t matter. We don’t want to know the insanity and sanity of money. We simply don’t care. Why should we after all? Strange is; the same money which we introduced at some point of time, now introduces us.

 Paper had no value. We gave it value and called it ‘money’. We made money vicious and now our sanity and insanity circle around it. Sanity makes it vicious and insanity uses it viciously. As of now, everything pivots around money. Nonetheless, everything is going just fine. All that remain are a few questions; how much have we evolved if we still seek the reward, if we still seek something to call ‘mine’, if money still binds our insanity? Is money vicious or are we?

Sandeep Poudel
(Pulchowk Campus)

Dying In Doom: A Boy Kills His Uncle

by Sandip Dahal (074BCE140)

Mind thinks. Random thoughts just come and go. They may come to and get out of any mind. That mind may be of anyone. That anyone may be an old man lying in a big brown armchair, swinging back and forth, looking at an open blue sea. That old man may still have a few miles to mark, a lot of milestones to look back to. Those milestones may carry a few smiles and a lot of regrets. Those regrets may carry a few lessons and a lot of pain. And the mind thinks. For the old man can still think, for the armchair can still swing, for the sea can still sing.

As far as he can remember, he was never really happy. He was born to a poor fisherman. When he looks into the sea, he sees a gloomy and dirty face. Perhaps it’s the image of his father. There was never enough to eat or to wear. He couldn’t afford shyness, nor could he imagine contentment. Once he asked his father why they were always hungry when there were a lot of fishes in the sea. His father said, “The fish a man catches feeds a paying stomach, not a hungry one”. Like everyone else, he thought his father to be poor but wise. What he wonders today is why fish was worth more than hunger.

A crab comes out of the sand. It crawls. Just crawls. It has nowhere to reach but everywhere to go. The sea sends images. The crab reminds him of his childhood. How he used to wonder and wander.

He is a small boy. A small boy is just like a crab out of sand. He just wanders and wonders. He is in his father’s fishing boat. Alone. Yes, he stole it from his father. His father could have taken him in one of the fishing trips. Or he could have just let him step in the boat a few times. But how can that happen? How can a poor fisherman afford the luxury of a happy child? The child of a poor is meant to focus on important things that may eliminate poverty. And according to his father, fishing profession was not that important thing. So what? Can that stop a child from exploring the singing sea? The sea that calls him, a wandering crab, with every splash of every tide? With a powerful stroke of the first row, he answers NO!

The crab crawls near his right leg. He doesn’t notice. It raises its claw. He still doesn’t notice. After a few seconds, the old man will feel an agony. But what if he just sees the crab now, Right Now! And he sees it. He moves his leg and thrashes the crab. There ends one life, life of a wandering crab.

He is a small boy in his father’s fishing boat, alone somewhere in the blue sea. The boat is driven by waves and not by the boy’s rowing. He doesn’t know it yet, but the boy is lost. Or is he? He is finding a new self each time a new wave carries him to a new water. He sees fishes inside water. Swimming, not dead, not rotten, not still. He is amazed. He feels the breeze. It is not cold anymore. The holes in his shirt made him cold, not the breeze. Now he thinks, perhaps a first thought that could have changed his life, was it poverty that made his father gloomy, or was it his gloomy father who caused poverty?

Voices start to cover the silence of the singing sea. He hears his name being called out. The scary ships with disturbing lights begin to circle him. “We found him!” Alas! He is found. And there ends one life, life of a wondering boy.

He gets beaten. The bruises are brutal than his father. They constantly tease him for being so brave. Brave enough to explore and brave enough to think. His father begins to worry. Why is the sea calling his son? Does it want him to know? Is it time already? He thinks if it is time already. He thinks his son is ready to know. And he decides to let his son know.

The small boy is sitting on a wet stone, just by the water. His father comes to him. The boy looks at him with wet eyes. He loves his father. His father loves him too. The father’s eyes are wet too. “Son.” Yes, he is going to say now. And the boy is going to know.

“Yes papa”

“Do you remember your uncle?”

“I think I do.” he tries to recall the uncle’s face “Didn’t he have a mole on his chin?”

The father smiles.

“Yes he did.” He looks down, and raises his head again. “Do you know how he died?”

“No, I don’t” He looks a little confused, a little curious and a little sad.

The father breathes heavily. “You killed him”

It echoes in the old man’s ears. “You killed him”.

It echoes in the old man’s heart. “You killed him”.

It echoes in the old man’s veins. “You killed him”.

The armchair stops swinging.

The sea stops singing with a big splash.

The old man stops thinking.

He is a very small boy. Too small, he is loved by everyone. His uncle also loves him dearly. He and his uncle are alone in the house. What can go wrong? The weather is good. Sky is clear and the sun is shining. No. There is no trace of a single cloud. Isn’t it perfect for the uncle and the very small boy to sail out in the wide blue sea? And there they are. He is very happy. He likes to stare at the moving water as his boat sails on it. He is looking as deep as he can. He sees fishes inside water. Swimming, not dead, not rotten, not still. He is amazed. And he wants to hold one in his hands. As a child, he has the right to wish for anything, let it be holding a fish in his hand. He asks his dear uncle who cannot deny. The uncle is now going to get a fish for the boy. What can go wrong? He is clapping as his uncle is diving to catch a fish. The boy looks happy. The uncle is enjoying this too. What can go wrong? Far away from their boat, a tide is approaching. But it has to be a small wave. Although the tide seems bigger as it approaches nearer, it has to be small. And, the uncle is back on the boat. The boy has a fish on his hand. It is still moving. He is amazed. The fish wants to get back into the water. But he doesn’t know that. He sees it dancing and he dances with joy. And as it was meant to be, the fish jumps back to the sea. He is having such a good time. What can go wrong? Except, the tide is really big now. Big enough to overturn a fisherman’s boat. But it is still far away. And the uncle has already noticed it. He can row faster and reach the shore in time. And there they are. The tide follows and they move faster. The tide is just behind the boat. He is panicking. The uncle is a little a scared too. And there the shore is. They may still make it. The boat just reaches the shore. He jumps out of the boat and starts running. Of course, his uncle is just behind him. What was that loud noise? Was is not just a tide? Can it be anything else? He looks back. He sees nothing. It is all water. A man comes running, picks him up and he is carried away from the sea. The man who came running is not his uncle. What happened there? How can a very small boy make it and not the uncle? He keeps thinking.

As his father tells him the story, he is in tears and a little shocked. How can he not remember this?

“Papa, why don’t I remember any of this?”

“After the tsunami, you were in trauma. It took nearly a whole year for you to recover. And as a part of the treatment, you were convinced to forget it.”

The father takes a pause.

“I don’t want you to be in the boat because I can’t forget. And the fact that you don’t remember anymore kills me inside.”

“Papa, the man who carried me away.” The boy raises his head. “Was that you?”

“No” And the father walks away.

The small boy feels so sorry. And as he is lost in the songs of the sea, a wave rises. He sees something on the crest. It looks like a face. A face with his father’s gloom. But the face is younger. And it has a distinctive mole. Right there, on the chin.

“Uncle Tom!” he remembers.

Sandip Dahal
Pulchowk Campus


by Prajwal Panthi (074BCE105)

Whom should I worship?
The Gods I do not see,
Or the demons that are close to me.

A piece of me binds to the crooked place,
Where insects crawl all over the floor,
And the smell is enough to cause a disease.

Yet I’d rather stay here than the reality I see,
Where the strong prey upon the weak,
And the pious fraud innocent beings.

My skin’s layered out now, a new one has grown.
Red and covered with blood,
The Demon-God I’ve become.

Slowly I feel the power build inside me, a trident now I carry.
I cast lightning upon the earth-
Silence, no human beings remain.

With the trident I pierce my heart, I feel no pain.
My soul breathes the last, and before my final blink I see:
Mother Earth thank me, greenery spread out slowly.

Prajwal Panthi
Pulchowk Campus


by Unknown (072BCE—)

Have you ever wondered what you have actually gained from going school to school, college to college, university to university, learning hundreds and thousands of derivations and formulas? Being an average person the answer is pretty simple, it’s “nothing”. Yes, we general people have gained “nothing” from the way of educating oneself. I may be wrong if you have conquered over your mind but if you haven’t, you cannot deny this fact, it’s universal like Gravitation. 

Some famous mystic guru once said, “if you are above the mind you are Buddha, if you are below the mind you are Buddhu (a dumbass) and if you are on to the mind you are always a person suffering non-stop.” Let me clarify it; the only thing you have been doing your entire life is educating yourself, from the day you were born to this day, you are still educating yourself. But I don’t blame you. It’s the society which has directed you to this path of so-called education, a so-called path of earning, a so-called path of name and fame. Society only believes in success, it talks only of fame, it only sees your physicality and it’s totally blind in terms of your inner world. It doesn’t give a damn to your inner world; no matter what monster you have been facing inside. And nowadays people are so deep in these society related things that they have actually changed the meaning of educating themselves. Oh my friend, if you haven’t experienced education which is for enlightenment, for living, and for self empowerment then it’s obvious that you are wasting your precious time. It will be totally worthless to read tons of books, make notes, mimic in front of mass and get good grade. Real education doesn’t teach you to buy fish from the market but will rather teach you to fish on your own and make life worthy. But we are just collecting  bundles of information and making a heap out of it. Yes, just a heap and nothing more. Getting information is not a bad deed but if you are unable to utilize the information you have gained then what is the use of just collecting and making a pile of it? And when the process of just collecting and mimicking runs on and on as a loop, you will lack the thunder of enthusiasm and the power of decision making. The word ‘independence’ will just be a vague word to you and you will lack everything.

Have you ever found yourself in such a situation? The answer may be yes. If it’s so then, don’t be afraid my dear fellows, it’s a common problem in you, me and others. Don’t misjudge and underestimate yourself as you are not only the one in this mainstream. Besides this undeniable fact, few are above from the zone of tragedy because they have mastered the true meaning of wisdom. Now the point is, don’t let your life to be just filled with a stack of knowledge. Use your knowledge for a living. Use your knowledge  to conquer your inner world i.e. your mind. Enlightenment comes from self-control and for self-control, you need to win over the conflicting thoughts generated in your mind. See how simple it is. But the arduous part of it is to apply it in practical life. For this,you just need to give a few minutes of your life to think deep whether you are above or below or on to your mind. Are you satisfied by the way of living and learning? What is the true meaning of life? If you have solution to these questions then you have enlightened life in your natural way but if your mind is struck out in dilemma then you certainly need to seek out for some changes. 

Most people fail to apply it in practical life as they want to experience instant changes within moments of application which they can’t observe and they quit too early. But believe me, in order to experience constructive turns in your life, you need to develop long and constant focus, enthusiasm and dedication and I am very sure that you will experience amazing changes, slowly but certainly. But if you don’t, you will just remain an “UNKNOWN”.

Pulchowk Campus

यो कविता त मैले चोरेकै हो

– सपथ थपलिया

यो कविता त मैले चोरेकै हो।

सेक्सपियरका सिमिली, बालकृष्णका बिम्ब
माधबको मधुरता र चर्चिलको चिसोपन
सब पाउनु हुनेछ यो कवितामा तपाईं।

तर मलाई ग्लानी छैन, न त कुनै तडप
यहाँ चोरी नभएको ठाउँ छैन कतै
चोरी नगरेको कविता छैन कुनै।

ढुङ्गा चोरेर मुर्ती बनाइन्छ
सास चोरेर धुन बनाइन्छ
त्यो सँगसँगै,
गोली चोरी रगत बनाइन्छ
अमृत चोरी विष बनाइन्छ।

दैलेखको सानो दैलो भित्र लुकेकी
दिलमायाको दुलाहा चोरेछ दोहाले,
काजीको भित्ताको कमिज चोरेछ
कम्पनीको कस्टमाइज्ड कपडाले।
जून चढ्ने सपना देख्ने जुन आँखा थिए,
तिनको ज्योती चोर्यो ज्यानमारा न्यायको जन्जालले।
यहाँ त
सन्तनारणको सन्तान, धनबहादरुको धन,
पवित्राको पवित्रता सब चोरिएछ।
कान्तिपुरको कान्ती, मल्लका मुर्ती, भक्तपुरका भेष
शिवको शिवत्व, बुद्धको बुद्धत्व, यसुको इमान
सबै नै चोरिएछ।

तर मेरो चोरी सकिएको छैन,
हिमालको हिम्मत, पहाडको पौरख
र, तराईको ताजपन चोरेर बनाउनेछु
एक कटेरो, जुन पोत्ने छु कमेरोले
र, चिर्बर-चिर्बर गदै बस्नेछे एक चरी,
त्यो ठडिएको चन्द्रसुर्यमा।

Sapath Thapaliya
Pulchowk Campus

Blind For Blindness

by Shikshita Bhandari (072BCE152) (Pulchowk Campus)

“Hey, mom, where are my glasses?”

“I have thrown them in the trash.”

“Are you serious? How disgusting is that!?”

“Oh please, you’re the one telling? If a mother wants to deny her son’s fake blindness, then it’s fair and normal for everyone else in this world.”

“It’s a waste of time talking to you. I’m leaving. I will come home tomorrow. Bye.” (Slams the door behind.)

I am Karuna. A surgeon, in my mid-thirties who is very passionate about her work. I have a wonderful child, Saharsha. He cares for me just like my father. A perfect human, I’d say, if he didn’t have this weird desire for being blind. Yes, my son has BIID for which I am mad sometimes. But as I’m occupied by my work most of the time, I don’t think about it much.

“Are you staying here tonight?”

“Yup, my mom knocked me out of the house.”

“Damn. Why does she do that so often? Is she mental or what?”

“Don’t you dare say that. It’s true, we have some problems. But it’s nothing like that. I love her dude. The thing is she lags understanding when there is no surgery in something. All she cares about is her patients. Her days and nights go with the sight of the hearts and lungs. She travels around the globe for surgery. And I must be proud that the whole planet salutes her for her precise work. She tells me that she has never failed a single procedure. It’s just that she doesn’t understand me and that’s what hurts me.”

“Okay, I don’t have mine with me. She left me when I was seven. Ever since I have some kind of repulsion for moms.”

“It’s fine. Forget about it.”

“Let’s play PUBG. It’s been a while.”

“Sure. Let’s begin, buddy.”

I have always been a grateful human. After all, I’ve achieved most of the things in my life. When my mom asked me to marry Shailesh, I wasn’t ready. I was just 18. He was a 25-year-old doctor, serving in my village after getting his degree. It turned out that he liked me when I took my mom for regular checkups. I wanted to study medicine and he’d promised me that. So, we married. I joined IOM in scholarship. With time, I had an interest in surgery. After my studies, I valued my work the most. I’d say, “I have become a successful surgeon, but I failed to be a mother for my son.”

My husband has arrived and he is asking for his son. I tell him the truth. And as always, he is as silent as a grave. He is concerned about Saharsha more than anything in the world. He is his soulmate: he is the only one who understands Saharsha inside out. His strange desires are not so strange for Shailesh

I just had an accident. I can’t feel anything except life within me. God knows what’s in front of me. I was lucky: my husband was with his client in the car behind. He took me to the hospital as fast as possible. Honestly, I don’t want to live now. My eyes have left me. They are talking. I hear that my cornea has completely damaged. I was just at the start of my career and I wanted to serve till death did apart. My husband knows this in his heart. Right now, he’s convincing me. I don’t know how I’ll live, knowing that I won’t serve any human from now on. No surgeries in my life. My dreams have faded with the lights in my eyes

I am still in the hospital bed. And I can see my son coming in with a cane in his hand. His great father, Dr. Shailesh with him.

“Mom, how are you feeling?”

“Not good. And be out of my sight. I don’t want to see you here. Shailesh, I don’t want to talk to you either. You haven’t done anything right.”

“We are sorry, mom. We just wanted your eyes back. My eyes were meant for you, mom. They weren’t mine from the beginning. They were always yours. And you have to accept this. I am happy for what I am now. Remember mom, I used to look at the sun directly even when you told me those rays might damage my sight. I have always learned to be blind. It was always planned, this was how I’d lose them. It’s best for the both of us. I always wanted this mom. I had my world in brails. Please don’t do this to me. Talk to me.”

“(Crying) Saharsha, you have always been my charm. Yes, I can see now. But every sight will leave a wound in my heart, for these are the sights of my son. These eyes may provide lives to hundreds out there, but they will never give me the satisfaction I thrive for. Those grasses will never be green, neither will the sky be blue for me. Shall I be thankful to God for giving me a son like you or feel guilty for making her son blind? I don’t know. You, father and son, have burdened me with debts I can never pay back (tears flood her cheeks).”

Shikshita Bhandari
Pulchowk Campus

The Shift

by Yogesh Sharma Neupane (074bce191)

As I opened my eyes and tried to see,
The Gods were imprisoned, and the demons were free.

I tried to solve what it means,
Dark was the cloud, the world of sins.

I wanted to go, but they had me frozen,
I was the target, the spear was thrown.

Spear of love, Spear of hate,
Spear of joy, Spear of threat,
Spear of pain, Spear from insane,
What was that, I could not bet!

Hapless his arms, I stood alive.
The Dreary fate, How could I fight?

Now and Then, on deadly chain,
I wanted to laugh, they squared my pain.

I tried to search, the Soul of mine.
I was the Demon, I needed to shine.

The Escape written on a mystery book,
Is How we look and What we took,
Blessed with fate, the one we choose.

Yogesh Sharma Neupane
Pulchowk Campus